Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Look! I bought this today!!

Monday, July 14, 2008
sports are not a reflection of anything (except for swimming because you can see yourself in the water)
when people say things happen for a reason
it's because they don't understand it.
you don't hear the announcer at a baseball game
lean closer into the microphone after
a routine grounder to the shortstop and say
"that happened for a reason, everyone.
it's okay. baseball has a reason! please
rise for the seventh inning stretch, where
john leguizamo will sing a song. john leguizamo
is here for a reason, too."
the announcer does not say this because
it would ruin the game for everyone.
especially the shortstop who has
played baseball for his entire life
only to be marginalized by a single
phrase that means nothing to anyone
who has ever been to a baseball game.
to anyone who has ever seen that ball
get so close the green ivy brick wall only
to be caught by the left fielder.
and everyone sighs
and everyone sits down
and everyone drinks their sodas or beer
and everyone eats a hot dog
because it tastes good. and that's it.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
I am a normal person on some nights
I saw Iron Man for the second time. Normal people will often see movies two times if they enjoy them enough. Also, they will see them a second time if they are taking someone new. In this case, that person was Walter, my father.
Walter liked the movie. That's good, because he has a normal palate for films. For example, he would hate There Will Be Blood. But that's okay, because that movie was not a life-altering masterpiece. Many normal people do not like life-altering movies, most likely because they are imposing and do not just do their job, which is to be entertaining.
We talked about superheroes and movies for a while afterwards. Earlier in the day we talked about non-super humans, like my friends. There are fissures in my group of friends, the group that I have known for the longest time and the group I am/was most comfortable with. I told Walter that I accepted that as part of growing up, that my teenage life was bound to fade and I should take advantage of it. The most difficult part of this is that taking 'advantage' of the situation means being somewhat of an asshole to old friends.
If you live in Muncie, Indiana, expect me to be more interested in your life this year. I will try to be more interesting, wacky, zany, drunk, sober, or enlightening depending on who you think I am. I want to return the favor of Funcie friendships.
Another normal thing I did is talk about the house I'll be moving into, and the Mastiff that will be our house dog, and the work we will do on the house to make it look nicer and to get rent breaks. These are normal things that people do.
Normal people will also end things fairly abruptly.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
partly cloudy
humid sweaty forearms
lacking enthusiasm
not enough sugar
cautious movement
sunburnt shoulders
just enough caffeine
seventy five channels
too many advertisements
twenty five newspapers
nothing of interest
fourteen killed in helicopter crash
rising oil prices
your favorite song
nothing to lose
zero visibility
avoiding fistfights
action-packed romance
chance of rain
limited risk
calculated movements
no turn on red
car accidents
funeral procession
backed-up traffic
a full ashtray
credit limits
bald tires
slick roads
scattered thunderstorms
scattered republicans
delayed flights
flash floods
unwarranted aggression
poor judgment
heavy burden
white lies
filing cabinets
temporary insanity mixed with a notion
of permanence
Saturday, July 5, 2008
The History of Heavy Metal
A tank crashes through Paris like a
pinch harmonic at the end of a pentatonic scale.
Twenty years later, in Italy,
Clint Eastwood shoots a man in the face
without exhaling any cigar smoke. On the other
side of the world a Nebraskan child learns
that one human soul is worth ten guitar lessons
from Satan. This took place after he read
the book of Revelations which everyone knows
is the story of the apocalypse set to AC/DC.
Fourteen years later someone confuses punk for
metal and everyone punches each other. This is why
Metallica will never be as good as they used to be.